Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Vocabulary 4 Unit 2 Passage 2

1. spread (n.): the growth or development of something
2. region (n.): a large area of land, usually without exact limits or borders
3. sub-Saharan (adj.): from or relating to areas in Africa that are south of the Sahara Desert: sub-Saharan Africa
4. encroach (v): to go beyond proper limits
5. desertification (n.): the process of becoming or making something a desert
6. spread (v.): to expand
7. previously (adv.): before the present time or the time referred to
8. normally (adv.): usually; in normal circumstances
9. abrupt (adj.): sudden and unexpected, often in an unpleasant way
10. vegetation (n.): the plant covering in an area
11. savanna (n.): a wide flat open area of land, especially in Africa, that is covered with grass but has few trees
12. barrier (n.): something that blocks the way
13. be at fault (phrv.): to have done something wrong
14. overgrazing (n.): overeating grass
15. make room for (phrv.): make empty space that can be used for a particular purpose
16. hooves (n. pl.): the hard part on the bottom of the feet of animals such as horses, sheep and deer
17. pack (v.): to press something down so that it becomes hard and firm
18. tribe (n.): a group of people who usually speak the same language, live in the same area, often in villages and have many relatives within the group
19. clear away (phrv.): to remove something in order to leave a clear space
20. stressed (v.): if something is stressed, it is made to work too hard
21. plot (n.): an area of land
22. abandon (v.): to leave
23. basically (adv.): fundamentally
24. maintain (v.): to strongly express your belief that something is true
25. use up (phrv.): to use all of something so that there is none left 

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