Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Vocabulary 4 Unit 2 Passage 2

1. spread (n.): the growth or development of something
2. region (n.): a large area of land, usually without exact limits or borders
3. sub-Saharan (adj.): from or relating to areas in Africa that are south of the Sahara Desert: sub-Saharan Africa
4. encroach (v): to go beyond proper limits
5. desertification (n.): the process of becoming or making something a desert
6. spread (v.): to expand
7. previously (adv.): before the present time or the time referred to
8. normally (adv.): usually; in normal circumstances
9. abrupt (adj.): sudden and unexpected, often in an unpleasant way
10. vegetation (n.): the plant covering in an area
11. savanna (n.): a wide flat open area of land, especially in Africa, that is covered with grass but has few trees
12. barrier (n.): something that blocks the way
13. be at fault (phrv.): to have done something wrong
14. overgrazing (n.): overeating grass
15. make room for (phrv.): make empty space that can be used for a particular purpose
16. hooves (n. pl.): the hard part on the bottom of the feet of animals such as horses, sheep and deer
17. pack (v.): to press something down so that it becomes hard and firm
18. tribe (n.): a group of people who usually speak the same language, live in the same area, often in villages and have many relatives within the group
19. clear away (phrv.): to remove something in order to leave a clear space
20. stressed (v.): if something is stressed, it is made to work too hard
21. plot (n.): an area of land
22. abandon (v.): to leave
23. basically (adv.): fundamentally
24. maintain (v.): to strongly express your belief that something is true
25. use up (phrv.): to use all of something so that there is none left 

Thursday, 18 June 2015

Vocabulary 3 Unit 2 Passage 1

1. technically (adv.): according to the exact understanding of rules, facts, etc.
2. imagine (v.): to form (a picture, idea) in one’s mind
3. massive (adj.): huge, great
4. dune, sand dune (n.): a small hill of sand formed by the wind, near the sea or in a desert
5. range (n.):  a group of mountains or hills
6. gravel (n.): small rounded stones, often mixed with sand
7. flats (often pl.):  an area of low level ground, often near water
8. bed (n.): a layer of clay, rock, etc. in the ground
9. characterize (v.): to be a special quality or typical feature of
10. block (v.): to prevent something from happening
11. precipitation (n.): rain
12. semiarid (adj.): describes an area or climate with little rain but not completely dry
moderate (adj.): not high or low, comfortable
14. ground-hugging (adj.): staying very close to the ground
15. bush (n.): a plant with many thin branches growing up from the ground
16. shrub (n.): a small bush with several woody stems
17. scattered (adj.): covering a wide area
18. shiny (adj.): smooth and bright; reflecting the light
19. conserving (adj.): saving
20. provide (v.): to give someone something that they need
21. shelter (n.): any building or covering (tree branches, a cave, etc.) that gives physical protection
22. imply (v.): to indicate or suggest indirectly
23. uncommon (adj.): unusual, not commonly found or experienced

24. burrow (v.): to dig into the ground 

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Unit 1 Passage 2 Social Studies

1.fascinating (adj.): very interesting
2.hiking (n.): taking a long walk
3.mother nature (n.): nature, especially when considered as a force that controls the weather and all living things
4.recreational (adj.): connected with activities that people do for enjoyment when they are not working (n.): useful items needed for a purpose (work, sports, etc
6.gear (n.): equipment, usually connected with sports vest (n.): a piece of equipment worn around the upper body to keep a person afloat in water
8.pad (n.): a flat, thin cushion made of soft, flexible material used for comfort or protection
9.surveying (n.): making a precise map of an area
10.complicated (adj.): made of many different things or parts that are connected
11.confusing (adj.): difficult to understand, not clear
12.cavern (n.): a large cave
13. surveyor (n.): a person whose job is to measure and record the details of areas of land
14. accurate (adj.): exact, correct
15. remains (n. pl.): the parts of ancient objects and buildings that have survived and are discovered in the present day
16. pottery (n.): objects made of soft clay and then baked until hard
17. corpse (n.):  a lifeless human body
18. sticky (adj.):   humid, hot
19. preserve (v.):  to keep something in its original state in good condition
20. uncover (v.):   to discover something that was preciously hidden or secret
21. caring (n.): an object or a pattern made by cutting away material from wood or stone
22. civilization (n.): a high level of government, laws, written language, art, music, etc., within a society or culture
23. date back (phrv.):  to have existed since a particular time in the past or for the length of time mentioned 

Monday, 11 May 2015

Unit 1 : Cave

     -    คำศัพท์และสำนวนภาษา
             -     passage (n.):    a narrow opening or way between two places 
             -     combination (n.):  two or more things put together 
             -     pressure (n.): the force that a liquid or gas produces when it presses against an area 
             -     limestone (n.): a type of rock composed of calcium carbonate 
             -     carve (v.):  if a river, the wind etc. carves land or rock, it removes some of it 
             -     dissolve (v.):    (of a solid) to mix with a liquid and become part of it 
             -     drip (v.): (of liquid) to fall in small drops
             -     trickle (v.):   to run in a thin stream, drip
             -     gradually (adv.):  slowly, over a long period of time 
             -     eat away at something (phrv.): to reduce or destroy something gradually 
             -     eventually (adv.): at the end of a period of time or a series of events 
             -     additionally (adv.): used when you want to mention another thing after something else 
             -     erosion (n.):  a wearing away 
             -     spring (n.):  a place where water comes naturally out of the ground
             -     apart from (prep.):  in addition to, as well as 
             -     coastline (n.):  the land along the ocean
             -     pound (v.): to hit something repeatedly with force 
             -     commonly (adv.):  usually, very often 
             -     unique (adj.): being the only one of its kind 

             -     acidic (adj.):  containing acid